upon the darkthrone

bug bounty, pentest, malware/exploit, gamedev.


As a developer: Proficiency of the Java language (up to java 8) and its enterprise platform Java EE, having used professionally and/or as a hobby the following web frameworks: Spring MVC, JSF, Play, Tapestry, FrontMan and Struts. Proficiency on ORM with the JPA specification and hibernate. Build managers experience with maven and gradle and versioning control with svn and git. Swing/Awt experience and some with EJBs.

As a pentester/researcher: Proficiency with C and Python, extensive use of tools like nmap, metasploit, burp suite and all the usual suspects. CTF player at the moment going for OSCP, doing tryhackme (top 3k, going for top 100), hackthebox and pentesterlab. Bug hunting on spare time on hackerone.

Deep knowledge of linux and system administration having worked professionally or studied Samba, NFS, DNS, dhcp, firewall (iptables), vpn, ssh, web servers (apache, nginx, tomcat, wildfly) and FTP servers. Bash scripting experience.

Proficiency with groovy and grails and its plugins in general: spock, spring security, quartz.

Knowledge of native android application using SQLite and simple interfaces, experience with augmented reality on the platform (college course conclusion paper was done with AR).

Skills on ruby: (rails), nodejs: (express, mongo, angular), python (django, flask).

Conciseness, users accessibility and interoperability first, always.